Sunday, 13 December 2015

my fictitious story #1

My fictious story-

So, there I was, sitting on my chair, thinking about random things in my mind...suddenly I thought about something unusual. We, as writers, try our best to create something which is never seen by the world. We want to write a story untouched, unheard or unseen by anyone...we try to create a story never told before, but ultimately, we end up writing something which has already happened in this world. 
Our planet has over 7.2 billion people, means 7.2 billion stories, and since a writer can write a story in many ways, we can assume that there may be trillions of stories out there. There is a really high chance that the one masterpeice that you think that you are writing, may already had happened. I know I am sounding like a pessimist here but let's face it writers- It is Probablity, right on your face.
We don't create protagonists...we find them. Some of us spend years to find the perfect protagonist who can present their story. Some just get lucky to find their 'masterpeice' right beside them...I belong to the latter category.
My masterpeice, my protagonist was right there, all the time, studying in my college. She was exactly the one I was looking for- Her heart-warming smile, which can transform anyone's worse day into a better one, her cute face which reminds me that innocence and purity is still out there, and of course her maturity and intelligence (a hard combo to find, isn't it?). It all started on November 2014, when I first met her. It was one of my friend's birthday and there I saw her- a shy, cute girl...kind of introvert. I got a feeling that she could be the the main lead for the story which I was trying to tell- the story of my life, but it took me nearly one more year to change the 'could' into 'will'... I am telling you all this because I hope that after reading this you guys won't make your protagonists wait. I wrote my own because she made it a special one and this blog post is dedicated to her only...
"Dear Naina, thanks for being the main lead of my story. It feels great to have you by my side. I hope when we grow older, we would add more chapters to this story, with same characters. Love you a lot."
-Your Siddarth